Save Money with Smart Home

Simple Money Saving Tips with Smart Home Technology

Smart home technology is revolutionizing the way homeowners manage their energy consumption. It goes beyond mere gadgetry; it's a strategic investment that can lead to significant savings. By incorporating smart devices into your home, you not only enhance your lifestyle but also contribute to a more sustainable and cost-effective living environment.

Save Big with Smart Thermostats 

Nest Labs, affiliated with Google, conducted a study revealing that the average household could save 10–12 percent on heating costs and 15 percent on cooling by using a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats learn your routine and adjust the temperature of your home accordingly, which in the long run saves money. The ability to control it remotely via your smartphone adds an extra layer of efficiency, helping you save on heating bills without compromising comfort. With this information, you’re able to make informed decisions to optimize energy consumption and reduce your monthly bills.

Energy-Efficient Lighting Equals Easy Money

Smart bulbs, another integral component of a smart home, offer both energy savings and enhanced control. These bulbs communicate with your Wi-Fi network, enabling you to program them to turn on and off at specific times, reducing unnecessary energy consumption and creating a warm and welcoming environment. With smart home technology, you can seamlessly integrate various devices to work together to create a custom smart home ecosystem.

Government Incentives for Smart Home Technology

n the United States, the Internal Revenue Service provides tax credits for energy-efficient home improvements, including the installation of smart home technology. Small changes made on an individual scale translate to a cleaner and greener future. Governments worldwide recognize the positive impact of smart home technology on energy conservation, innovation, home security, and overall quality of life.


By adopting smart home technology, you not only contribute to a more efficient and connected world but also enjoy tangible financial rewards. It's time to make the smart choice for your home and your wallet. At OnTech we pride ourselves in being smart home experts, so check out all that OnTech has to offer and begin saving money!

Not sure where to start? Check out our Smart Home Advisor for all your smart home needs.

Our Top Money-Saving Smart Home Picks

Check out these top picks from our smart home experts and begin saving money!


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